Option Pricing Formula
Δoffset - delta % offset
ϵ - delta offset
KΔcall/put - delta strike computed using Δ
KΔcall - delta strike computed for a call option
KΔput - delta strike computed for a put option.
τ - time to maturity
g:Δ→KΔput/call - delta strike function which maps the delta parameter Δ to the strike price
foracle:(S,K,τ)→σ - oracle function which maps the parameters S,K,τ to implied volatility σ
The price curve can be calculated as follows:
KΔput/call=g(Δ) KΔ−ϵput/call=g(Δ−ϵ) σmax=foracle(S,KΔput/call,τ) σmin=σmax±σmax(Δoffset) tpercent=ttotalti−t0 σmarket=σmax−tpercent⋅(σmax−σmin)