Option Pricing Formula
Ī - option delta
Īoffsetā - delta % offset
Ļµ - delta offset
KĪcall/putā - delta strike computed using Ī
KĪcallā - delta strike computed for a call option
KĪputā - delta strike computed for a put option.
Ļ - time to maturity
g:ĪāKĪput/callā - delta strike function which maps the delta parameter Ī to the strike price
foracleā:(S,K,Ļ)āĻ - oracle function which maps the parameters S,K,Ļ to implied volatility Ļ
The price curve can be calculated as follows:
KĪput/callā=g(Ī) KĪāĻµput/callā=g(ĪāĻµ) Ļmaxā=foracleā(S,KĪput/callā,Ļ) Ļminā=ĻmaxāĀ±Ļmaxā(Īoffsetā) tpercentā=ttotalātiāāt0āā Ļmarketā=Ļmaxāātpercentāā